One of the community’s Birkley came to love and have immense passion for were the people he met at Athens’ Classic City Cycling (CCC). As he started to think through fitness and ways to exercise he found spin classes hugely rewarding. Just as rewarding was the family he built through CCC. After he passed away, the owner of CCC, Crystal Rene de Cotret, shared the story of how she came to hire Birkley and officially make him a part of the CCC family. Her staff and instructors started talking to her about a new rider named Birkley with such excitement. She shared that usually when hiring new staff she has a very thorough process that she adheres to but she had heard so many positive things about Birkley from so many people that she hired him on the spot. That day, he walked in and greeted Crystal with a beautiful bouquet of yellow daisies from the UGArden and his light and positivity spread throughout the studio and that was the same energy and excitement that he gave every day to every rider that came to the studio. We are grateful for the inspiration and love he received from his CCC family. We are also grateful for how much love and joy he gave back to his CCC community as has been conveyed to us by the many people there who have shared their stories about how important he was to them and how much they miss him.

We are very excited to share that Classic City Cycling will be a partner of the Birkley Heynen Environmental Foundation. The spin studio will dedicate one class a month as a “Ride for Birk” and proceeds from that class will be donated to the Foundation account. In addition, CCC will be offering free membership options in his honor to share the love he had for CCC and spin with members of our community. Stand by for more details on both of these exciting ways to honor Birkley’s legacy.

The first “Ride for Birk” will be held Saturday October 19th at 9:30. The class will be led by one of Birkley’s favorite instructors and close friends Kammy Dinning. Come join us.